Business Treff in Vienna – PAIR Finance CEO talks about factors for positive payment behaviour

Business Treff in Vienna – PAIR Finance CEO talks about factors for positive payment behaviour

17 November 2022

5.30 – 7.30 PM

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Schmerlingplatz 3 (Expat Center), 1010 Vienna

Attention financial decision-makers! On 17 November, the Vienna Business Agency (Wirtschaftsagentur Wien) in cooperation with Fintech Austria invites you to a business meeting, the “Business Treff”. The topic this time: User Experience (UX) in the payment sector – quo vadis? Several presentations will take place at the event. 

The presentations will be held by:

  • Damir Leko, Concardis GmbH
  • Thomas Leskowsky, exvomo e.U.
  • Stephan Stricker, PAIR Finance GmbH
  • Eleonora Kernmayer-Farr, Microsoft

Look forward to an excellent networking opportunity at the Expat Center of the Vienna Business Agency with finger food, buffet and drinks.

(Registrations are still possible until 16.11.2022).

Stephan Stricker presents factors for positive payment behaviour

PAIR Finance CEO and founder Stephan Stricker will give a presentation at the Business Treff entitled: “Future of Payments: 4 factors that pave the way for positive payment behaviour”. He will present how PAIR Finance succeeds in making payments a positive experience by means of the so-called DISA approach.

Among other things, impulses that we set with the help of artificial intelligence play an important role in this. Intelligent algorithms track user behaviour and determine how to reach individual customers best or when human interaction is appropriate. 

Our Vienna team will also be there. We are looking forward to many new acquaintances and a lively exchange on the topic of receivables management and payments.

(Registrations are still possible until 16.11.2022).

Digital, efficient and customer-oriented debt collection for Austrian companies

PAIR Finance CEO & Founder Stephan Stricker and Country Head PAIR Finance Austria Barna Bokor

The German fintech PAIR Finance has been active in Austria since 2021, with an office in Vienna under the leadership of Country Head PAIR Finance Austria, Barna Bokor. Well-known customers from a wide range of industries are already convinced by PAIR Finance’s digital debt collection service, which uses artificial intelligence and behavioural research to repay receivables quickly and successfully. 

Learn more about our digital approach in the Austrian AI Podcast and in the Brutkasten Payment Talk

You are located in Austria and would like to work with the digital collection service of PAIR Finance?
