PAIR Finance: The best customer experience in debt collection

PAIR Finance, Germany’s leading Fintech for AI-based receivables management, presents its payment platform in a completely new design and with an exciting new feature that gives users access to exclusive offers.

The demands of consumers are in a constant state of change. Leading online stores are the models of a new customer experience that exploits the possibilities of brilliant smartphone displays and new technologies. The look of the new PAIR Finance payment platform has therefore been designed as a state-of-the-art experience. It puts the often unpleasant experience of debt collection into a completely new, positive context.

Mobile First: 57 percent of PAIR Finance users use a mobile device

The PAIR Finance payment platform has seen increasing mobile access rates in recent months. Worldwide, the use of mobile applications has risen sharply in the Corona period, and by 25% in e-commerce [Source 1]. PAIR Finance users now put mobile in first place: 57% of consumers who use PAIR Finance to settle outstanding debts use a mobile device for payment. The new payment platform is therefore designed as a personal, mobile-optimized payment assistant for your pocket. It is the central touch point for consumers who want to pay outstanding receivables digitally with PAIR Finance. Mobile access figures will continue to increase in the future. 89% of Germans today own a smartphone [Source 2]. Even in the 65+ generation, the proportion is now 79% according to the Deloitte study 2020.

The new state of the art design for PAIR Finance users.

Clear design. Emotional color concept.

A clear, functional design, emotional accents in the color concept and a pleasant typeface are a deliberate contrast to the technical look and feel of conventional payment communication. As on PAIR Finance’s corporate website, the colors purple and jade green represent the appearance of user communication. The animated login page, on which users are received emotionally with changing motifs and can choose their language with eight options, the customizable thank you page and the new retention section are particularly characteristic of the design. Besides German, the platform can be used in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Turkish and Portuguese. 

Our goal: We want to help people to manage their finances confidently with their smartphone.

Stephan Stricker, Founder and CEO PAIR Finance
Mobile First: This is what the mobile-optimized payment assistant looks like.

Pay in less than a minute.

With the PAIR Finance platform, open receivables can be settled in a few clicks and in less than a minute, regardless of which payment method is chosen. The payment methods are manifold: credit card payment, bank transfer, cash payment, payment with electronic goods via Clevertronic, payment pause, Apple Pay and other options are available to the users. With the new, digital installment payment, consumers can not only create their installment plan digitally, but also pay individual installments on the move using the split payments function. A novelty in debt collection.

New feature for better customer retention.

A positive user experience in debt collection is what PAIR Finance is all about. In the future, PAIR Finance will support customer loyalty to an even greater extent and thus an important marketing goal of its corporate customers. This is because acquiring new customers is much more complex and difficult. In addition, the new payment platform offers an exciting element of interactive customer orientation and retention. Companies can store discount codes in order to maintain and expand the valuable relationship with the consumer after successful payment or to simply say “thank you” to customers. Once the user has successfully completed his payment, he can use this voucher code for his next purchase, contract conclusion or rental. There is also the possibility of APP downloads from the clients. Content personalization and individual campaigns are possible here. The feature will be fully rolled out in the coming months. 

Self-confident management of personal finances.

“Our corporate customers like Zalando, Klarna or Sixt are experiencing a rapid increase in customer expectations. They attach considerable importance to inspiring the consumer throughout the entire customer journey”, says Stephan Stricker, founder and CEO of PAIR Finance. “We are therefore excited to create the next level of digital payment experience in debt collection with the new payment site that will make a real difference to consumers. Our goal is to help people manage their finances faster and more confidently. That’s why we are now bringing even more user-friendliness and attractiveness to payment processes.

With the design change, the fonts, color worlds and the slightly adapted logo developed in the PAIR Finance branding process will also be used in the payment process. The appearance of the payment platform now clearly shows that it belongs to the PAIR Finance brand.

A user friendly operation or an attractive design? One thing is clear: PAIR Finance does not have an either-or.

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