IT4Retailers: AI in focus: From "digital debt collection" to "intelligent debt collection".

Analyzable data offers high practical added value for targeting customers with accurate messages and payment offers. But the foundations of the collection process, arguably the most sensitive part of the customer journey, remain paper billing, telephone or simple automation processes.

FinanzBusiness: Fintechs call for simplification of employee share ownership

Employee shareholdings via so-called virtual stock options should be subject to capital gains tax and not income tax, says Stephan Stricker, founder of fintech Pair Finance, in an interview with FinanzBusiness. (€)

Payment & Banking: The faces of the industry with Minou Ghaffari

Who are actually the brains and doers behind these creative thought processes, at the intersection of finance, digital technologies and entrepreneurship? This time, Minou Ghaffari answers our questions. Minou is Head of Behavioral Science at PAIR Finance, an AI-based FinTech for debt collection and management.

Payment & Banking
vb Versicherungsbetriebe: Receivables management: Ideally many channels

Stephan Stricker: Good customer relations are very important in the insurance industry, because insurers usually try to cover a customer's need for insurance protection as comprehensively and on a long-term basis as possible, i.e. a customer often has several contracts with one insurance company.

vb Versicherungsbetriebe
Payment & Banking: The faces of the Fintech industry

In our series The Faces of the FinTech Industry we regularly ask a person from the payment and banking industry the same ten questions. This time Nicole Wechsung answers our questions. Nicole is Head of Collection at PAIR Finance, a technology and data-driven company in the field of debt collection and receivables management.

Payment & Banking
Boersenzeitung: PAIR Finance receives capital

Fintech PAIR Finance, a collection service provider for e-commerce, has received a further capital injection of EUR 2 million. According to an announcement by the company, Finleap, Zalando and venture capital investor Yabeo subscribed to the new shares. (...)

Boersenzeitung (€)
FinanceFWD: Valuation increases to 60 million

Pair Finance is a collection service provider for Klarna and Zalando customers who pay late. The Finleap start-up made its first profits in 2019 and is now receiving millions more for its growth.

Business Insider: Zalando increases investment in Berlin debt collection start-up Pair Finance

The business idea apparently also convinces Zalando. The fashion giant, who is already a customer and since 2017 also an investor in Pair Finance, has increased his investment in Fintech in the middle of the Corona crisis and despite a savings program.

Business Insider
Gruenderszene: Zalando increases investment in Berlin debt collection start-up Pair Finance

Fintech Pair Finance has raised two million euros. In addition to Zalando, Finleap and a former top manager of Deutsche Bank also participated in the deal.

Geldinstitut: Dr. Nicole Wechsung joins Pair Finance as Head of Collection

Dr. Nicole Wechsung is the new Head of Collection at Pair Finance. The company announced this today. Previously, Wechsung was a divisional manager at the EOS Group, an Otto Group company. She has more than seven years' experience in debt collection and receivables management.

FAZ: From collapse to boom - Can financial start-ups use the corona crisis?

In the medium term, Stricker stresses, companies will [...] pay more attention to their liquidity. Receivables management will then become more important. This was already the case during the financial crisis, when there was greater demand for debt collection services.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Handelsblatt: Government wants to partially reduce collection costs for consumers

Due to the economic consequences of the Corona crisis, the founder and head of the debt collection start-up Pair Finance, Stephan Stricker, expects a deterioration in consumer payment behaviour. There is already an increase in installments and deferrals, he says.
