Terms of Use for PAIR Finance Payment Services

These Terms of Use shall apply to payment services provided by

  • PAIR Finance GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
  • PAIR Collect GmbH (Vienna, Austria)
  • PAIR Finance Suisse GmbH (Zurich, Switzerland)
  • PAIR Finance B.V. (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • PAIR Finance Sweden AB (Stockholm, Sweden)

These Terms shall constitute an agreement between each PAIR Finance group company mentioned above (“PAIR Finance “, “we”, “us” or “our”) and you (“you” and “your”) when you use PAIR Finance payment services and features as described in these Terms, which may be amended from time to time (the “Services”). By using our payment services, you are deemed to have accepted the latest version of these terms and conditions. Access to the latest version of these terms and conditions is available at all times on the respective online payment service websites.

To identify which entity is responsible for your claim, please refer to the communication you have received. You can find all contact data below.

1. Description of our payment services

PAIR Finance does not only aim at providing you with the best and fastest way to pay your outstanding debt with the most convenient and comfortable option for you, but we would also like to offer you cutting-edge payment methods. Through our service, you shall have the option of using various payment methods offered by PAIR Finance to pay our principal receivables. Moreover, you shall always have an insight into the outstanding claims (main and secondary claims) owed to our respective client when using the payment page. These Terms explain in more detail what this means.

Please note that in order to be able to use the services of the payment page, you must give your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR to collect and process your technical usage data. You may withdraw this consent at any time by using the communication methods described in our Data Privacy Disclaimer. Upon withdrawal of consent, we shall delete the data collected in accordance with granted consent. However, revocation does not affect past data processing activities.

If you have opted for using our payment page, additional terms and conditions may apply to your chosen payment method if you choose to pay with one of the payment methods offered by PAIR Finance.

2. Payment by credit card

When paying by credit card, you authorise your entered data to be transferred to the credit company (Visa, Mastercard) through our service providers. The transfer of your data occurs pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR (processing for the performance of a contract). Collection and processing are undertaken as a result of your contractual obligation to pay the remuneration owed for the service provided by the customer and the ancillary claims that have arisen as a result of your failure to provide timely payment. Of course, you are free to choose the payment method from the selection presented to you. You have the right to revoke your consent to data processing based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR at any time. However, withdrawal does not affect past data processing activities.

Furthermore, we process your data for as long as it is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose, i.e. among other things, data is processed as long as you or the customer can assert claims against us, e.g. due to improper payment processing. The legal basis for the processing of data on the grounds of our legitimate interest for the latter purposes is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Finally, we review whether we still have a need to retain your data because there are statutory retention obligations that prevent us from deleting it.

3. Conclusion of an instalment payment agreement

If you select to pay in instalments as your payment method and wish to proceed accordingly, we will review whether this can be granted to you.

In case you select payment by instalments, you have the opportunity to specify the number or the amount of the instalments and the desired start date of the agreement. Once you have done so, you shall be directed to the terms and conditions for concluding an instalment agreement, where you shall find all the information and instructions you need to finalise the agreements.

Please ensure that you download and save the terms and conditions for concluding an instalment payment agreement (incl. the aforementioned notes).

You then have to choose whether you

  • want to pay the instalments yourself using one of the payment methods available to you 
  • or – if this option is available in your country – whether you want to authorise PAIR Finance to collect the instalments. In this case, you must provide the IBAN of your bank account and the account owner. 

Before submitting your request to enter into an instalment agreement with us, you must confirm that you are requesting payment by instalments from us under the terms of the instalment agreement and in pursuance to- the Terms of Use, which shall form the contractual basis of the agreement sought.

After you have submitted your request to set up an instalment payment agreement, we shall review your request. Should we accept, you shall then see in the next step on our payment page whether we have accepted your instalment payment request. If this is the case, you shall be given the opportunity to download the finalised agreement. We shall also send you confirmation of the instalment payment agreement by email provided we have your email address.

Please note that in relation to debt matters in which PAIR Finance GmbH (Berlin, Germany) is involved, the instalment payment agreement is only possible if you simultaneously acknowledge the debt in its entirety.

Please note that in relation to debt matters in which PAIR Finance Sweden AB (Stockholm, Sweden), the confirmation of the instalment payment agreement will be sent to your registered home address or to another contact point (e.g. Kivra). 

4. Are there any costs associated with our payment services?

You may use our payment services free of charge. Please note that there may be charges for using some payment solutions offered by the PAIR Finance service. It is therefore important that you carefully read the detailed information for the payment solution you have chosen. Should we be charged any costs by your bank or payment service providers of PAIR Finance as a result of returned debits, these costs will be added to your outstanding debt amount and will be payable by you.

5. Show previous transactions

We store information about your payments and transactions on the PAIR Finance App system. As part of the services provided under these Terms, we enable you to view information about your payments and transactions using your personal payment page.

6. Privacy and your personal data

Payment data and other information may be transmitted to payment service providers with whom we cooperate for the purpose of providing our service. The integration of payment service providers is for the purposes of payment processing on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. as well as in our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR  in order to offer an effective and secure payment option.

For more information about the processing of your personal data and additional information about your rights in regards to the processing of your data, please refer to our data protection information (INSERT LINK). There, you shall also find our relevant contact details should you have any questions or wish to revoke your consent in relation to any data processing carried out thereupon.

7. Your Obligations

You are under an obligation to provide correct information at all times and may only act on behalf of yourself under your own and correct identity. Any use of information that does not belong to you or that you are not permitted to use for any other reason, or use of the services in a non-compliant manner, shall be considered misuse. Any data pertaining to misuse or suspected misuse may be stored and used for future risk assessment and for the protection of users. If you upload, import or share images, text, receipts, information about goods, services or supplies or other content on the PAIR Finance payment page, PAIR Finance will use that content to provide the Services. We have the right to delete any content you upload or share if we are required to do so by law or if we believe it is offensive, inappropriate, unlawful, infringes on the rights of others or is otherwise objectionable. You are responsible for all content that you upload or share.

8. Electronic Communication

By accepting these Terms, you consent to PAIR Finance using electronic means of communication with you. Payment information, terms and conditions, statutory notices and other information may be provided to you electronically, including through the PAIR Finance Website, App or the email address(es) you have provided to us.

Please take note that requests related to your data are not possible using our online payment service website.

Updating your contact information

It is your responsibility to ensure that PAIR Finance has your current email address and mobile phone number so that we can communicate electronically with you. If you need to update your primary email address, please contact our customer service team to make that change.


If you have any general questions about electronic communication, please contact customer service at kundenservice@pairfinance.de, if the question concerns PAIR Finance GmbH (Berlin, Germany).

If you have questions about electronic communication concerning PAIR Collect GmbH (Vienna, Austria), please contact the Customer Service Department at kundenservice@pairfinance.at.

If you have any questions regarding electronic communications concerning PAIR Finance Suisse GmbH (Zurich, Switzerland), please contact the Customer Service Department at customerservice@pairfinance.ch.

If you have any questions regarding electronic communications relating to PAIR Finance B.V. GmbH (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), please contact the Customer Service Department at klantenservice@pairfinance.nl.

If you have any questions regarding electronic communications concerning PAIR Finance Sweden AB . (Stockholm, Sweden), please contact the Customer Service Department at kundservice@pairfinance.se.

9. Returns, refunds and revocations

PAIR Finance provides the services described in this document as a service to its customers and as a service to you to settle outstanding debts. Any questions you have about rights and obligations other than the contractual obligation to pay for goods, services or other benefits, including in regards to returns, cancellations or refunds, must be clarified with your original debtor (e.g. the company from which you purchased the goods that PAIR Finance has requested you to pay for).

10. Contact details for clarification of any questions you may have

The contact details for the individual companies of the PAIR Finance Group can be found in the legal notice. If you have received a payment request, you shall find information on the letterhead or within the additional details of the communication as to which of the companies of the PAIR Finance Group has been commissioned and is active in the collection of receivables from you.

You can use the contact details provided there to clarify any further questions you may have or – should an unfortunate error have occurred – to file a complaint.

Our customer service is available to help you resolve the issue in question.

* Specifics regarding matters concerning the receivables of PAIR Finance Suisse GmbH (Zurich, Switzerland)

Data processing (in debt collection matters) by PAIR Finance Suisse GmbH is not subject to the GDPR.

The GDPR does not apply, as Switzerland is not a member state of the EU or the EEA. With regard to the data processing activities of PAIR Finance Suisse GmbH, the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DSG) is applicable. There you will find corresponding legal bases (“grounds for justification”), in particular in Art. 31 DSG.

These Terms of Use were last updated on 01 August 2024.