Update (COVID-19): We are there for our partners!

The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns all of us and restricts our normal life.

In view of the current developments, we as a company, take our social responsibility very seriously. We safeguard the health of our employees by means of home office regulations and make a contribution to breaking the chains of infection, thus protecting older and weaker people. All internal and external meetings are held via video call in order to limit social contact to the bare essentials.

At the same time, we guarantee a smooth process in debt collection and receivables management. As a strong partner, we always remain at our clients’ side. Digitally transformed companies can now do a lot against the corona spread. We, as a digital debt collection company, are more committed to supporting the economic performance of companies in this country and beyond.

If your company is affected by the corona crisis and if questions arise in the receivables management, please contact us! Henry Kobsch and his team will be happy to help you.

Henry Kobsch, Head of Partnershipmanagement
E: partnershipmanagement@pairfinance.com

We would like to thank the more than 80 colleagues at PAIR Finance for their outstanding work and tireless commitment, especially in these times.

We are there for our partners! 

#staysafe #flattenthecurve
