Pair Finance gründet Niederlassung in der Schweiz

Pair Finance expandiert in die Schweiz und baut hier ein eigenes Team auf. Das Berliner Fintech ist ein führender Anbieter von Digitalinkasso, das auf Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) basiert. Das Unternehmen will die Branche nun auch in der Schweiz innovieren.

Punkt 4
Pair Finance startet in der Schweiz

Pair Finance setzt seine Expansion in Europa fort und startet in der Schweiz. Zuvor hatte das Fintech, das KI-basiertes Inkasso anbietet, bereits die Arbeit in Österreich, den Niederlanden, Belgien und Frankreich aufgenommen. Marko Kusigerski wird als „Country Head Switzerland“ das Schweizer Geschäft leiten.

Payment and Banking
PAIR Finance débarque en Suisse avec son outil IA de recouvrement

PAIR Finance, qui propose aux entreprises de toutes tailles un service de recouvrement automatisé basé sur l'IA, annonce la création d’une filiale helvétique. Start-up berlinoise qui développe un service de recouvrement basé sur l'IA, PAIR Finance annonce qu’elle opère en Suisse à compter du 1er septembre. Son offre cible aussi bien les petites que les grandes entreprises.

ICT Journal
t3n: Recouvrement de dettes et vidéos Tiktok : Comment la Gen Z gère les dettes

La génération Z parle plus ouvertement des dettes et du sujet du recouvrement que les générations qui l'ont précédée, montre une enquête récente. Lorsqu'ils communiquent sur des factures oubliées ou négligées, ils préfèrent un e-mail et paient le plus souvent via Paypal.

Every fourth young adult already has experience with debt collection companies

Almost half of young adults have already failed to pay a bill. Almost a quarter have already been contacted by a debt collection agency. These are the results of a representative survey initiated by the debt collection company Pair Finance and the Fresenius University in Hamburg and exclusively available to Handelsblatt.

Credit Expo: PAIR Finance brings customer-focused digital debt collection to the Netherlands

The role of Country Head Netherlands at PAIR Finance will be taken over by Daniela Straube. She has more than 20 years of management experience in the financial services industry and knows the Dutch market very well.

Credit Expo
Emerce: PAIR Finance introduit le recouvrement numérique de créances centré sur le client aux Pays-Bas

Les entreprises néerlandaises peuvent désormais optimiser l'expérience de recouvrement de créances pour leurs clients grâce à PAIR Finance. PAIR Finance, une société technologique de pointe pour le recouvrement de créances basé sur l'IA, a annoncé aujourd'hui son lancement officiel aux Pays-Bas.

Deutsche-Startups: The biggest and most important startup exits of 2022

English private equity investor Pollen Street Capital acquired a majority stake in Berlin-based debt collection startup Pair Finance in October. "The purchase price is said to be just over €100 million, (...)," FinanceFWD wrote at the time about the takeover.

Startbase: These are the most clicked interviews of 2022

Stephan Stricker achieved a multi-million exit with the debt collection start-up Pair Finance. Although his fingertips are already itching again, he did not announce a new project in the interview.

Rethinking Law Magazine: High response rates due to communication matching the person type

Making consumers aware of a (purchase) decision at the right time, on the right channel, and with the right product is a proven method in digital marketing. The precise matching of consumer and product is achieved, for example, through (re- or lookalike) targeting.

Rethinking Law Magazine
Leadersnet: NEWS, OPINION LEADERS: Liva Zepa

Pair Finance, the leading fintech for AI-based debt collection in Germany and Austria, appointed Liva Zepa as its first Director Innovation in early October. In the newly created position, the ESMT scholar will focus on product development and growth opportunities.

FinanzBusiness: Debt Collection Fintech Pair Finance appoints Liva Zepa as Innovation Director

The debt collection fintech Pair Finance has a designated Director Innovation with immediate effect. She is named Liva Zepa and comes from the Australian digital debt collection Indebted, where she was Vice President and Managing Director for the European market.
