Jan Gackenholz joins Pair Finance as CFO

Fintech Pair Finance, which specializes in debt collection services, has a new CFO in Jan Gackenholz. He expands the existing C-level with Stephan Stricker (CEO and founder), Sven Schneider (COO), Christian Zingel (CSO) and Dmitry Sharkov (CTO), according to a press release on Tuesday. The reorganization of the Pair Finance management team has been successfully completed.

Börsen Zeitung
Dr Sebastian Clajus and Ricarda Conrad: Using framing to move customers out of arrears

Companies can persuade consumers to take action with the right communication. In their guest article, Dr. Sebastian Clajus and Ricarda Conrad from the Behavioural Science team at PAIR Finance look at the results of a study: it shows that the framing of a payment reminder has a fundamental influence on response behavior.

Springer Professional
Success story as Fintech of the Year in the Exit category

PAIR Finance is known for its advanced debt collection technology based on AI and behavioral science. [...] The acquisition by Pollen Street is a significant milestone in the history of PAIR Finance and a sign of confidence in its future and its impact on the debt collection industry in Europe.

Payment & Banking
"Fintech of the Year Award": The most important FinTech players in 2023

In today's lunchtime episode, we welcome Sibylle Strack, member of the "Fintech of the Year Award" jury, and talk to her about the 10th Fintech of the Year Award. [...] The Fintech of the Year Award is organized by Payment & Banking. [...] PAIR Finance was voted Fintech of the Year in the Exit category.

Startup Insider
Leadersnet: Personnel: Sven Schneider

Pair Finance, a leading European provider of AI-based digital debt collection, appointed Sven Schneider (42) as its new Chief Operating Officer. In this role, Schneider will immediately manage the operational business of the fintech, which is currently active in six countries, and create structures for the company's ambitious expansion.

Sven Schneider (42) becomes COO at Pair Finance

Pair Finance has announced the appointment of Sven Schneider as its new Chief Operating Officer. In his role, he will manage the FinTech's operations with immediate effect and is expected to create structures for the company's expansion. The FinTech is currently active in six European countries.

IT Finanzmagazin
Sven Schneider appointed Chief Operating Officer at PAIR Finance

PAIR Finance , the leading European provider of AI-based digital debt collection, has appointed Sven Schneider as Chief Operating Officer. In his role, he will directly manage the fintech's operational activities and create structures for the company's ambitious expansion.

Credit Expo
"40 percent of debtors respond within two hours"

Pair Finance is convinced that letters have had their day in the debt collection sector. The digital collection agency works with an algorithm that makes it possible to reach customers with outstanding payments at the right time and with the appropriate approach. Artificial intelligence, data science and behavioral psychology come together here.

“Met behulp van AI willen we de beste incasso-ervaring creëren.”

PAIR Finance is een nieuwe speler op de Nederlandse incassomarkt, die zich richt op het gebruik van AI, gedragswetenschap en (Big) Data Science. Door gebruik te maken van technologie en wetenschap is PAIR Finance erin geslaagd om het (digitale) incassoproces effectiever, efficiënter en vooral klantgerichter te maken.

Credit Expo
Berliner FinTech Pair Finance startet in der Schweiz durch

Dabei unterstütze das FinTech alle gängigen Zahlungsarten in der Schweiz. Die Ziele: eine schnellere Erreichbarkeit und das Vermeiden eines gerichtlichen Mahnverfahrens. Geschäftskunden würden zudem vom intelligenten Performance-Tool “Pair Finance Analytics” profitieren […]

IT Finanzmagazin
Inkasso-Startup Pair Finance will in der Schweiz Fuss fassen

Das Tool von Pair Finance soll dank generativer KI nicht nur selbständig nachdrückliche Nachrichten verfassen können, sondern auch gleich optimal Kanal, Zeitpunkt und Frequenz bestimmen: Whatsapp, Mail, Brief oder persönlicher Kontakt. Zugleich sollen Anwender in Datenvisualisierungen Rückmeldungen zum Fortschritt sowie vorausschauende Analysen erhalten.

Inside IT
PAIR Finance ouvre une succursale en Suisse

Pair Finance s'étend en Suisse et y construit sa propre équipe. La fintech berlinoise est un leader du recouvrement numérique basé sur l'intelligence artificielle (IA). L'entreprise veut désormais innover dans le secteur en Suisse également.

Switzerland Global Enterprise